Sunday, March 17, 2019

How will the NFL regulate its players from abusing the PED policy?

Image result for julian edelman
Source: SB Nation 

In an article written by ESPN, the NFL players union is frustrated at the league for requesting to test five certain players for PED's, as for their names came up in a report that said they were all abusing the policy. My economic policy is Institutions, "rules of the game" so to speak. NFL players in general have commonly had issues with the policy since they seem to take it pretty lightly. Almost every other week or so you hear about a player being suspended for abusing it and this can no longer go on.

Something needs to be done with respect to this because clearly the policy at hand isn't stopping them. With that being said, those five players don't feel it is fair for them to be tested since the source it came from is indeed not credible. This leads to the bigger problem: the players' union overall doesn't believe they are very trusted by the league. They frequently advocate against doing interviews with league officials since they believe the questions being asked aren't always relevant and therefore could lead to either getting themselves or other into some type of trouble. "The NFLPA believes it is its responsibility to protect its players from those kinds of situations, and honestly, it's correct. If not to advocate for the players and make sure their employers aren’t trying to take advantage of them, what’s the purpose of a union? 

Next blog post: How will the MLB regulate PED abuse?

1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting that the NFLPA protects the players from having to undergo PED testing, this sparks the debate on whether sports league should be allowed to test for other drugs like marijuana. A future idea is to look into good players who've had their legacy tarnished by PED use (Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez)
